Chinese Ancient Village Conservation and Development 2013,Yuan An, PR China

Chinese Ancient Village Conservation and Development 2013

Enzo Eusebi took part in the conference organized by Chinese Traditional Village Protection Commitee, Chinese Ancient Village Conservation and Development Commission, Beijing Green Cross, Yuan An people’s governement, in Yuam An.


Enzo Eusebi


Chinese Traditional Village Protection Committee


Yuan An, PR China


november 26, 2013

Asia-Pacific Hotel Design Association Annual Meeting 2013, Chengdu, PR China

Asia-Pacific Hotel Design Association Annual Meeting 2013

Enzo Eusebi took part in the conference organized by APHDA (Asia-Pacific Hotel Design Association) at theRitz-Carlton in Chengduon on the theme “Tourism in the Green Economy”.


Enzo Eusebi


Ritz-Carlton Chengdu


Chengdu, PR China


november 24, 2013

MADE expo @IBL 2013, Milano, Italy

MADE expo @IBL 2013

Enzo Eusebi took part in the conference organized by ICE (Italian Trade Agency) at Fiera Milano on the theme “Experience of Architecture and Materials in China”.


Enzo Eusebi


Fiera Milano


Milano, Italy


october 5, 2013

MADE4CERAMICS 2013, Milano, Italy


Enzo Eusebi took part in the conference at the Made Expo in Milano on the theme “Contemporary Architecture and Traditional Ceramic”.
The proposed exhibition Made 4 Ceramics – Pottery Culture Earth – is based on the certainty that the future of construction in Europe and the world is certainly no longer tied to the sale and consumption per se, but are looking for products that have a strong focus on production chain and know how to propose with constant innovation. Companies and designers must put in place products, applications and services, able to communicate intensively with the different building cultures, training, communication on the planet. Through two historical exhibitions, 45 best practices, 12 specific proposals of international architects, 5 installations by artists, three major training centers, three experiential workshops, and with 4 days of intense debate and public lectures, Made4Ceramics – Ceramic Terra Culture – want to educate and bring the vision of the audience the world that we are going to build through visual suggestions that immediately identify problems and possible strategic scenarios to envisage for the next decade.


Enzo Eusebi


Fiera Milano


Milano, Italy


october 5, 2013

Territori, città, imprese: smart o accoglienti? 2013, Offida (AP), Italy

Territori, città, imprese: smart o accoglienti? 2013

Enzo Eusebi took part in the conference organized by LavoroPerLaPersona in Offida on the theme “The Constancy of Change”.


Enzo Eusebi


Foundation Lavoro Per La Persona Offida


Offida (AP), Italy


september 20, 2013

ECOtechGREEN 2013, Padova, Italy

ECOtechGREEN 2013

Enzo Eusebi took part in the conference organized by PAYSAGE at the Padova Fair, with the teme “Hypogeal Architecture. Nature and Artifice”.
ECOtechGREEN, the annual International Forum dedicated to the Green Technology, also for the 2013 edition recorded record numbers: more than 600 members, 43 speakers and 51 members of the Scientific Committee. The guest of honor this year, Marc Augé who opened the day with a reflection on the novel theme of the ideal city. It ended with a real success with the public one of the most anticipated annual events in the landscape of the Green Technology: the International Forum ECOtechGREEN, PAYSAGE important event organized in collaboration with the Management. This encounter also in numbers expresses its thanks to the quality issues that have been addressed: GREEN TECHNOLOGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE GREEN; GREEN TECHNOLOGIES FOR BIG PROJECTS; GREEN TECHNOLOGY ROOF AND VERTICAL; RESEARCH AND LAW. A Reflection on the development of Hi-tech green that, starting from the sharing of the Charter of Milan which introduces full green technology as part of green infrastructure, is for many urban environments and a new unexplored resource. This is demonstrated by recent directions taken by some European cities that, like Paris, included the development of green technology (roof and vertical) of the planned upgrading of urban green dedicated to the improvement of biodiversity. But it is part of a broader debate which fits the synthesis emerged from the debate: on the one hand, promote green technology as one of the components useful for environmental mitigation of the city and, on the other hand, emphasize the potential as a viable solution to place green spaces where they otherwise would not be possible. We want to especially thank the members of the Scientific Committee and the representatives of the institutions involved. A special thanks goes to all those business realities that have provided research, experience and experimentation without their valuable contribution to our events would not be possible. A Sincere thanks we owe it to all the speakers involved for the passion with which adhere to our initiatives and, finally, thanks to our many readers whose participation excites us every time.


Enzo Eusebi


Paysage, Padovafiere


Padova, Italy


september 13, 2013

20a Rassegna Premio Libero Bizzarri 2013, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy

20a Rassegna Premio Libero Bizzarri 2013

Enzo Eusebi took part in the conference organized by Fondazione Libero Bizzarri at the Auditorium Comunale in San Benedetto del Tronto.


Enzo Eusebi 


Auditorium Comunale 


San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy


july 14, 2015

Pane, Prosciutto & Fantasia 2013, Preci, Italy

Pane, Prosciutto & Fantasia 2013

Enzo Eusebi took part in the conference.


Enzo Eusebi


Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibiliini


Valnerina (PG), Italy


june 29, 2013

ANCI Marche 2013, Ascoli Piceno, Italy

ANCI Marche: Povertà ed esclusione sociale. Quale ruolo per le regioni e le città?,

Enzo Eusebi took part in the conference organized by ANCI Marche at the Palazzo dei Capitani in Ascoli Piceno on the theme “Poverty and social exclusion. What role for regions and cities?”.


Cesare Martini – Presidente ANCI Marche
Nicoletta Teodosi –Presidente CILAP EAPN Italia
Vincenzo Castelli – Consigliere nazionale CNCA
Sergio Pierantoni – Responsabile Amministrativo CARITAS Italiana
Gian Luca Gregori–Preside Facoltà di Economia Università G. Fuà
Guido Castelli – Sindaco di Ascoli Piceno
Matteo Ricci -Presidente di Pesaro e Urbino e Amministratore TECLA


ANCI Marche, Palazzo dei Capitani


Ascoli Piceno, Italy


june 12, 2013

Festival della Cultura Olivettiana 2013, Ancona, Italy

22a Rassegna Premio Libero Bizzarri 2015

Enzo Eusebi took part in the conference organized by ISTAO at the Villa Favorita in Ancona.
The vision of the role of Adriano Olivetti and his versatile personality led him to deal so dramatic innovations of social and political problems, urban planning, architecture, culture and publishing. In Ivrea start the design and construction of new industrial buildings, offices, houses for employees, canteens, nurseries, giving rise to a system of social services. In company works with bright young architects, urban planners and sociologists; He asks them to ensure architectural structures, organization of the environment and of the territory able to meld formal beauty and functionality, improvement of working conditions in the company and the quality of life outside the firm. Student of urban planning, directed the plan of the Valle d’Aosta and was also president of the National Institute of Urban Planning.


Enzo Eusebi, Architetto
Luca Zevi, Architetto e Urbanista
Patrizia Bonifazio, Politecnico di Milano
Adolfo Guzzini, Presidente iGuzzini Illuminazione


ISTAO, Villa Favorita


Ancona, Italy


june 1, 2013